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  1. Karl-Heinz Keldungs hat die NS-Prozesse in seinem neuen Buch untersucht. Der Jurist wirft vielen damaligen Richtern vor, sie hätten sich nicht ausreichend mit den Straftaten der Aufseher auseinandergesetzt – ihm zufolge seien die Urteile zu milde gewesen.
  2. 60,000 veterans died by suicide between 2008 and 2017
  3. Suicide is the second-leading cause of death among Arizonans ages 15-34, according to a 2019 study that attributes the toll to such things as exposure to social media, harassment and the pressure to succeed.
  4. При начальной цене в 17,4 млн ₽ контракт удалось заключить на сумму всего 12,1 млн ₽
  5. Problems with health care relatively often played a role in the suicide of young people between the ages of 10 and 20 years in 2017, according to a study performed on behalf of the Ministry of Public Health. Young people who took their own lives in that year also often struggled with bullying or having high expectations of themselves, the researchers found.
  6. The controversial Netflix series 13 Reasons Why has just finished filming its fourth and final season, but researchers continue to study the show’s impact on teen suicide and mental health.
  7. When our anti-apartheid Struggle stalwarts Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, Zola Skweyiya and Billy Modise passed away on different dates last year, it was fitting that they should be given state funerals.
  8. Entrepreneurs and innovators set out every day to give life to products and services across the tech landscape. A new startup out of Portland is looking to disrupt death.
  9. About 40 years ago someone was seen to smile at a funeral. How dare they. But it started a quiet revolution in New Zealand.
  10. jud.weiser | Instagram NationalMuseumofFuneralHistory | Facebook This museum puts the fun in funeral. Gabriela Izquierdo If you've ever been to Houston, you've probably heard about all the great museums the city has since the Museum District is one of Houston's biggest tourist attractions. However, you can find tons of other great educations spots outside of the District, including one of Houston's most unique and spooky museums, which is one dedicated to funerals! The National Museum of Funeral History is a morbidly fascinating museum full of info and cool exhibits all about funerals! You can find tons of really fascinating displays like mummies and learn about the history of embalming. Or learn about Victorian mourning rituals to include "mourning jewelry" made out of actual dead people's hair. The museum also happens to be America's largest collection of funeral items. This comes at no surprise because we can't imagine there being many other funeral history museums out there! They have plenty of fascinating exhibits such as the history of cremation, celebrating the lives and deaths of the popes (which is Vatican-endorsed!), a Dia de Los Muertos exhibit, and a lot more interesting exhibits. Tickets to see the biggest collection of all things funeral including hearses, mourning jewelry, and of course, many different kinds of coffins are reasonably priced at only $10. Texas is full of spooky places, so after visiting the museum the most epic way to keep the spook-factor going is to hit up a few of these Texas abandoned ghost towns and see if you can spot something supernatural. Houston isn't the only Texas town that is home to an odd museum because of course, Austin is home to a spooky museum of weird things that definitely lives up to the "Keep Austin Weird" vibe. @grave.spook embedded via National Museum of Funeral History Price: ???? Address: 415 Barren Springs Drive Houston, TX Why you need to go: It's a super unique experience and will help hold you over on spooky stuff until Haloween season comes back! Website
  11. A verse written by Lord Byron has been ruled unsuitable for include on a churchyard gravestone.
  12. Все больше мусульман считают своей родиной ФРГ и хотят быть похоронены здесь
  13. Состояние кладбища в селе Понизовье Руднянского района Смоленской области нарушает все требования санитарно-эпидемиологических правил
  14. Singapore’s move to decriminalise attempted suicide is welcome, as are moves to give police, doctors and courts new powers on treatment for mental illnesses, recognising that suicide prevention requires a whole-of-society approach
  15. Anyone having thoughts about suicide can get help by contacting the Suicide Line on the number 1813 or by going to www.zelfmoord1813.be, or the Suicide Prevention Center at 0800 32 123 or at www.preventionsuicide.be
  16. В Котельниковском районе администрация ищет подрядчика, который разработает проект для нового места захоронения жителей.
  17. Содержать кладбища в Нижнем Тагиле и пригороде в 2020 году будет ООО «Комавтотранс»
  18. Об этом сообщил министр финансов Сергей Пушкуца на заседании 15 января, на котором премьер-министр Ион Кику и члены правительства обсудили поддержку еврейской общины в Кишиневе.
  19. Соседям нечего было рассказать об умершем: жил пенсионер одиноко, ни с кем особо не общался.
  20. В Чите начал работу оргкомитет по созданию мемориальной зоны в местах массовых захоронений жертв политических репрессий.
  21. Информация о тендере появилась на портале госзакупок
  22. The go ahead has been given for a new crematorium in Dundalk.
  23. Крематорий в городе построят после того, как изменится процедура публичных слушаний.

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