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В Самаре открылось крупнейшее в регионе ритуальное помещение. В задании площадью 1 тыс. кв. м на пересечении улиц Партизанской и Борской расположились три зала для прощаний и не только. Специалисты "Похоронного дома №1" уже называют себя флагманами на рынке ритуальных услуг и уверены, что прощание с близкими необходимо организовывать только на самом высоком уровне.
In a four-page note addressed to “the people” that will be circulated in churches in the coming days, the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece announced it will not hold funeral services for those who are cremated, equating the practice with a “desecration of the dead.”
Today, two companies control 82% of all casket sales in the United States. But can a new crop of more affordable and sustainable options shake things up?
Kavanagh & Coates Funeral Services filled their Heywood branch with games and toys donated by the community after appealing for Christmas presents for less fortunate children. The funeral home opened its doors to around 150 families over two days, who were able to take anything they liked for their children from the hundreds of gifts.
В Армении появятся крематории – эту новость со ссылкой на главу ГНКО «Специальное обслуживание населения» Армана Искандаряна на днях донесли до общественности отечественные СМИ
A final quote from Abbas Milani’s Tales of Two Cities: A Persian Memoir (1996) concludes the exhibition as one exits the gallery: “Exile is when you live in one land and dream in another.” Neshat’s enduring career represents such a state through cinematic devices and magical realism, offering viewers a visible depiction of exile that only an immigrant could remind is us is so deeply connected to the history of the United States.
CLASHES BETWEEN local residents and police broke out late last month in the Chinese township of Wenlou over plans to build a crematorium in the city of Maoming, which Wenlou is a part of
Work on the multi-million pound plant, together with a cemetery and council depot, near its sports area off Kings Ripton Road, is set to start in the new year – with the first burials taking place in about two year’s time.
As societies age, death will be a growth business. Now young French entrepreneurs are introducing new services to the traditionally conservative industry.