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Тренд декабря на маски-шоу переместился из ночных баров в морги Городского патологоанатомического бюро. Грешат на счетную палату и нового спецпредставителя губернатора.
As El Pasoans continue to die from COVID-19 and funeral home employees console the families who have lost loved ones, Perches Funeral Home General Manager Jorge Ortiz wishes those who don't take the pandemic seriously could see what he sees.
The minimalist composer and musician Harold Budd, whom collaborator Brian Eno once described as being “a great abstract painter trapped in the body of a musician,” died on Tuesday of complications from COVID-19.
Комитет по государственному устройству, законодательству и местному самоуправлению (председатель комитета Сергей Попов) обсудил информацию Счетной палаты Красноярского края о состоянии дел в сфере ритуальных услуг.
Juan Manuel Campos, a native of Mexico who put the art in the Bishop Arts District starting in the 1980s, died last month from COVID-19. He was 84. Campos was the last living member of an art collective called Artistas, which also included Alfonso Estrada, Vincent Morin, Filberto Chapa and Anita Cisneros.
Despite the fact that almost everyone will need the services of the "dismal trade" at some point in their lives, the specific job duties of funeral directors often remain shrouded in mystery. Mental Floss talked to several to learn some little-known facts about the profession, from what happens behind the doors of the embalming room to the real reason you might want to think twice about that “protective” casket.
Alison Lapper broke down in tears at the inquest into the death of her 19-year-old son Parys, who had descended into drug use after traumatic childhood bullying took its toll on his mental health, a coroner heard