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How Did Dawit Nega Die? Popular Ethiopian Singer Cause of Death Wiki Biography


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Dawit Nega | Spotify
                                                                Dawit Nega | Spotify

Obituary: Prominent Tigrigna music singer Dawit Nega passes away after short illness - Addis Standard
Addis Standard : Obituary: Prominent Tigrigna music singer Dawit Nega passes away after short illness

Dawit Nega | Spotify
                                                                      Dawit Nega | Spotify
By  Aman Choudhary

One of the popular singers and artists from Ethiopia named Dawit Nega passed away lately leaving all of his family, friends, and fans heartbroken. He is some of the influencing Tigrigna singers of Ethiopia. According to the reports, he has been admitted to the hospital for his last time in Addis Ababa the capital of Ethiopia. He was a well-known singer, especially for his songs in the native language Tigrigna. The news of his sudden demise gets widely spread on the Internet. Get more information on the death of Dawit Nega and other details.

Dawit Nega

Some of the reports have asserted that he was suffering from a dreaded prolonged disease that eventually claimed his life. As we mentioned above he was even hospitalized for receiving treatment but it seems that things didn’t work out for the singer and he lost the battle of life. However, the name of the disease hasn’t been disclosed so far in any of the announcements confirming the singer’s death. So, it looks like that we have to wait for the statement from his household. Along with that, the funeral arrangements are announced yet.

Apart from his native country, he was also associated with one of the renowned and reputed music brands coke studios. He was among the fewer singers continuing the legacy of Tigrigna music globally. The brand also assisted the singer to achieve international fame. He had acquired a decent fan base in all those years and all of them are now mourning his death. As of now, the star is receiving tributes from all over through Internet while fans are also sharing their condolence with the family members of the singer. Twitter and other social media platforms have been flooded with grieving notes.

The announcement has been shared through a tweet that reads “The Amazing Dawit Nega, Passed Away After Long Illness.” The statement also disclosed that he was on complete bed rest due to the disease he had been diagnosed with. It started with the appreciation of the versatile singer as one of very few singers who internationalize Tigrigna music.

Another tweet from Queen Hela left a sad note though she is expressing her sorrow on this misfortune. She wrote in her note that it is heartbreaking as she lost her mighty singer too early. Our hearts go out to Nega’s household, may the pure soul rest in peace. Stay tuned with Social Telecast for more information and updates.


Dawit Nega is dead, Musical artist passed away – cause of death?

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