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Fans grieve K-pop star Koo Hara's death


169 просмотров

People in South Korea are mourning another K-pop star. Koo Hara was found dead at her home in Seoul on Sunday. Police suspect she took her own life.

A place for people to offer condolences was opened in Seoul. Many fans visited to say goodbye to the former member of girl group Kara. A Japanese fan said she could not believe Koo Hara had gone. A male fan said her death was heartbreaking because he had been waiting so long to see her.

Media reports say police found a note at her home in which she wrote of her pessimism about her life.

After retiring from the group, Koo Hara launched a solo career. She was the target of online rumors and hate comments after her former boyfriend was convicted of threatening her with private video footage of them.

Koo Hara was hospitalized in May after a suicide attempt.

She had recently started performing in Japan.

Koo Hara was a close friend of another pop idol who was an outspoken critic of cyberbullying, which she herself reportedly suffered from.

Police believe the 25-year-old singer Sulli took her own life.

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